
Burns Toy And Small Breed Chicken And Rice 2kg (adult) Complete


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Burns Toy & Small Breed 2kg

There are several dog food varieties offered by the brand Burns, which are all developed by the famous veterinary surgeon John Burns. In this wide selection of healthy dog foods, you can have the best dry and wet dog foods to help stimulate healthy growth and development of your dog.

One product among this selection is the Burns Toy and Small Breed Dog Food. This kibble dog food provides a toy or small dogs dietary and nutritional needs while satisfying their appetite the whole day.

The recipe is naturally-hypoallergenic with limited ingredients including brown rice, chicken meal, white rice, chicken oil, oats, peas, sunflower oil, fish meal and seaweed. This dry dog food provides a delicious chicken flavour in the form of crunchy kibbles that clean your dogs teeth and support its oral health as a whole.

Also, this Burns dry dog food offers fulfilling nutrients and fibre that nurture your dogs digestive system, strengthen their skeletal system and nourish their appearance. Rich sources of vitamins A, D3 and E, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, zinc, calcium and taurine look after your dogs eyes, skin, fur, nails, teeth and gums.

This hypoallergenic dog food is suitable for both adult dogs that are older than 9 months as well as senior dogs with sensitive digestion. You can feed up to 100 grams of this dog food to an average 10kg adult dog and 80 grams to a 10kg senior dog. This will ensure proper nourishment of your dogs body.

Product Benefits

  • Naturally-hypoallergenic dog food suitable to complete nutrition in adult dogs
  • Made with 100% ingredients to provide a safe and wholesome meal
  • Includes highly-digestible proteins and carbohydrates for easy and healthy digestion
  • Personalised for toy and small breed dogs
  • Does not contain any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
  • Ingredients

    Brown Rice (44%), Chicken Meal (23%), White Rice (13%), Chicken Oil, Oats, Peas, Sunflower Oil, Fish Meal, Minerals, Seaweed

    Analytical Constituents

    Copper (Copper (Ii) Chelate Of Amino Acids Hydrate) (12mg), Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) (1mg), Manganese (Manganous Chelate Of Amino Acids Hydrate) (20mg), Selenium (3b8.11, Selenised Yeast Inactivated) (0.2mg), Taurine (1000mg), Vitamin A (25000IU), Vitamin D3 (2000IU), Vitamin E (150IU), Zinc (Zinc Chelate Of Amino Acids Hydrate) (50mg)


    Crude Protein (21%), Crude Fat (11%), Crude Ash (7%), Crude Fibre (2%), Omega-6 Fatty Acids (2%), Calcium (1%), Phosphorus (1%), Potassium (1%), Magnesium, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Sodium

Additional information

Weight 2.048 kg


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