
Chappie Chicken 3kg Complete Dog Food


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Chappie dog food is one of the oldest brands of pet food on the market in UK. Veterinarians trust and recommend Chappie – it is an easily digestible and low in fat complete adult dog food with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals to keep your pet healthy and bouncing around during their adult life.

Chappie Complete Dry Dog Food is a 100% complete and balanced dog food developed with vets. As well as containing no artificial colours, flavours, added sugar, eggs or dairy, Chappie dry dog food contains all of the essential nutrients that your dog requires to keep them in top condition every single day.

  • Healthy Coat and Skin: Chappie dog food contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 6, known to help support skin and coat health;
  • Healthy Teeth: The kibbles in Chappie dog food provide a crunchy bite for dogs of all sizes to help support keeping their teeth clean;
  • Strong Muscles: Chappie dog food contains quality protein to help support strong muscles;
  • Supports Healthy Digestion: Dietary fibre helps to support your pet’s digestion;
  • No Eggs, No Dairy, No Added Sugar: Chappie dog food is made with wholegrain cereals, a source of carbohydrate that provides your dog with energy;
  • Essential nutrients: Chappie dog food contains all the essential nutrients that your dog requires to keep them in top condition every single day.

Composition: Cereals (including Wholewheat* 4%), Meat and Animal Derivatives (15% including Chicken* 4%), Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, *Natural ingredients.

Technological Additives: None stated; Sensory Additives: None stated; Nutritional Additives: Vitamin A: 11900 IU, Vitamin D3: 1312 IU, Vitamin E: 150mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate): 4.3mg, Iodine (Potassium Iodide): 1.0mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 30.2mg, Selenium (Sodium selenite): 0.30mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate): 85.4mg.

Analytical Constituents: Protein 20%, Crude Fibres 1.7%, Crude Oils and Fats 8.2%, Crude Ash 7.5%, Moisture Not stated

Feeding Guide: The manufacturer’s feeding guide can be easily referred to using the images at the top of this product page. Alternatively, please refer to the product packaging upon receipt of your order.

Additional information

Weight 3.010 kg


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