
Pedigree Schmackos Poultry Mix 20 Sticks


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Pedigree dog food feeds the goodness that dogs brings to our lives with a complete range of tasty and healthy dog food and dog treats that delivers everything that is essential to support, protect and spark all dogs’ exuberant love of life. Pedigree dog food and treats are carefully developed with nutritionists and veterinarians to ensure they have everything dogs need to thrive.

Pedigree Schmackos Dog Treats with Poultry are soft, succulent treats, full of delicious flavours that dogs adore. Contains 20 tasty dog treat strips in chicken, turkey and duck flavours making them perfect for a healthy snack or reward when training. Less than 30 kcal per treat and are full of goodness such as omega 6 to help keep them fit for life, vitamin E to help support natural defences, minerals including calcium to help keep bones strong and contains no artificial colours or flavours.

Suitable for adult dogs from 12 months old.

Composition: Meat and Animal Derivatives (total 37%, including 6% Chicken, 3% Duck and 3% Turkey), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, Cereals, Various Sugars, Oils and Fats.

Technological Additives: None stated; Sensory Additives: None stated; Nutritional Additives: Vitamin A: 2312 IU, Vitamin E: 23.1mg, Iron (Iron (II) sulphate monohydrate): 13.9mg.

Analytical Constituents: Protein 28%, Crude Fibres 3%, Crude Oils and Fats 12%, Crude Ash Not stated, Moisture 19%.

Feeding Guide: Small dogs (5-9kg), feed up to 1 stick per day;
Medium dogs (10-24kg), feed up to 2 sticks per day;
Large dogs (25kg+), feed up to 4 sticks per day.

Please reduce main meal accordingly. Use each sachet within 14 days of opening.


Additional information

Weight 0.158 kg


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