
Wagg Meaty Goodness Adult Dog Food 2kg


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These crunchy kibbles coated with tasty meat juices make an appetising meal for your dog. This recipe’s combination of fibre and prebiotic MOS can help to keep your dog’s digestive system healthy, whilst yucca extract is thought to help reduce the unpleasant odours of flatulence.

Wagg, the home of affordable, nutritionally balanced food and exciting treats. Everything we do is designed to enhance your relationship with your pets. We simply love to help you share health and happiness with the special animals in your life.

We put their needs before our own and create complete, balanced recipes to keep our furry pals healthy and happy. Every ingredient we use has a purpose, with nothing extra added that your dog doesn’t need. Our tasty complete dog food is rich in chicken and contains everything your dog needs to keep them in tip top condition. Recipe balanced with meat, carbohydrates, vegetables, omega 3 and 6 fats, minerals and essential vitamins for 100% assured complete and balanced nutrition.

Suitable for all dogs from 8 weeks onwards.

Composition: 26% Meat Meal and Gravy* (with min 5% Beef*) Whole Grain Wheat, Whole Grain Barley, Vegetable Fibre, Maize, 2% Chicken Fat (source of Omega 6), Whole Linseeds (source of omega 3), 2.3% Dried Green Peas and Beet Pulp***, Minerals and Vitamins, Chicory Root (1000 mg/kg), Yucca (150 mg/kg).

Technological Additives: None Stated; Sensory Additives: None Stated; Nutritional Additives: Vitamin A 12,000 iu, Vitamin D3 1,200 iu, Vitamin E 90 mg, Zinc (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate) 50 mg, Iron (Iron (ll) Sulphate Monohydrate) 50 mg, Manganese (Manganous Oxide) 30 mg, Copper (Copper (ll) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 5 mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 0.5 mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.1 mg. Antioxidant, Preservative.

Analytical Constituents: Protein 20%, Crude Fibres 3.5%, Crude Oils and Fats 8%, Crude Ash 8.5%, Moisture Not stated

Feeding Guide: Daily Feeding Guide

Weight of Dog (kg) Daily Feed (g)
Small Dog (3-10kg) 70 – 175g
Medium Dog (10-20kg) 175 – 295g
Large Dog (20-40kg) 295 – 495g
X-Large dog (40kg+) 495g+

Additional information

Weight 2.010 kg


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