
wagg puppy with chicken complete dog food 2kg – from 4 weeks +


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These crunchy kibbles have been formulated to help give your puppy the best start in life. Containing added Omega 3 and a blend of other vitamins and minerals to help support your puppy’s health, we also add citrus extracts and nucleotides to encourage a strong immune system.

This puppy food from the Wagg range has been designed to give your puppy the best start in life, allowing them to grow into a strong, capable dog. It’s a complete premium puppy food that contains chicken as the high quality protein that assists muscle growth whilst the calcium and antioxidants helps develop strong bones. The recipe also contains Yucca Extract which helps to reduce flatulent odours. The crunchy kibble texture helps to keep teeth clean and this recipe contains vitamin C and D3 to support healthy  teeth, gums and bones.  The key benefits of this puppy food include:

– Contains prebiotic MOS to help the digestive system.

– Contains zinc and Omega 3 oils to promote healthy skin and glossy coat.

– Vitamins C, E, citrus extracts and antioxidants are included to support a strong immune system.

– Calcium and vitamin D3 helps maintain healthy teeth and bones.

The Wagg Complete Puppy Food with Chicken & Yucca Extract is suitable for all puppies from 8 weeks of age.



Cereals, Meat and Animal Derivatives (28.5% including 4% Chicken), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, Yeasts (MOS 0.1%), Omega 3 (as DHA, 0.1%), Citrus Extract (0.05%), Beta-Glucans (0.05%), Yucca Extract (0.015%), Nucleotides (0.005%), Marigold Extract (0.005%), Cranberry Extract.


Additives (per kg)

Vitamin A 14,000 iu, Vitamin D3 1,400 iu, Vitamin E 140 mg, Vitamin C 50 mg, Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 75 mg, Manganese (Manganous Oxide) 50 mg, Zinc (Zinc Chelate of Amino Acids Hydrate) 25mg, Copper (Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate) 10 mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 2 mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.1 mg. Antioxidant, Preservative.

Analytical Constituents

  • Protein 28%
  • Fat Content 11%
  • Crude Fibre 3%
  • Crude Ash 8.5%
  • Omega 3 0.7%
  • Omega 6 1.9%

Additional information

Weight 2.050 kg


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